陆枕戈 发表于 2017-4-14 11:33


本帖最后由 陆枕戈 于 2017-4-14 11:35 编辑

《鲁拜集》作者:奥玛珈音 / عمر خیام / OmarKhayyam出版社: 译林出版社译者:[英]菲茨杰拉德 英 / [美国] 黄克孙 汉2009年版ISBN:9787544710015
《鲁拜集》是十一世纪的波斯诗人兼数学家奥玛珈音(Omar Khayyam)的四行诗集,形式上类似于中国的绝句,“鲁拜”即是波斯语“四行诗”的音译。奥瑪珈音有「波斯李白」之稱,诗歌的内容多感慨人生如寄、盛衰无常,以及时行乐、纵酒放歌为宽解。“酒”与“生命”可谓贯穿全书的主题。在縱酒狂歌的表象之下,是生命無常的残酷真相——如果一定要对应到中国的诗歌史中来,我想大概近似于《古诗十九首》中“生年不满百,常怀千岁忧。昼短苦夜长,何不秉烛游”吧。十九世纪,英国文学家爱德华-菲茨杰拉德(Edward Fitzgerald)【又译作费结楼】把这本诗集译介到英语世界。他的翻译多采用意译的方式,保持了原诗的韵律,在此基础上进行自由的发挥,但总归不改原诗的风致。菲氏的译本广受好评,被誉为“两位时空相距三千英里之远并七百年之久的小诗人的最令人称奇的合作”(郭沫若)。在汉语文学界,郭沫若、胡适、闻一多、徐志摩、朱湘等名家都曾翻译过《鲁拜集》。在众多的译本中,黄克孙先生的译本是戈最偏爱的。他以七言绝句衍译,对诗中典故、意象等加以处理,使之既有汉诗气象,又兼异域风味,出入两种文化之间而游刃有余。个人感觉,对典故的创造性运用,是黄译本最吸引人的地方。例如第31节Up from Earth's Centre through the Seventh GateI rose, and on the Throne of Saturn sate,And many a Knot unravel'd by the Road;But not the Master-knot of Human Fate.黄译为:騎鶴神遊阿母臺,七重天闕拂雲來。玉皇仙籍偸觀盡,司命天書揭不開。
第35节Then to the lip ofthis poor earthen UrnI lean'd, theSecret of my Life to learn:And Lip to Lip itmurmur'd — "While you liveDrink! — for oncedead you never shall return."紅泥酒爵在唇邊,欲問前緣與後緣。酒爵多情低語我:『且將陶醉換華年。』
第44节And fear not lestExistence closing yourAccount, and mine,should know the like no more;The Eternal Sákifrom that Bowl has pour'dMillions ofBubbles like us, and will pour.人來人去千秋事,水瀉危崖泡沫輕。泡沫刹那倶幻滅,華嚴瀑布永奔騰。
51Whose secret Presence,through Creation's veinsRunningQuicksilver-like eludes your pains;Taking all shapesfrom Máh to Máhi; andThey change andperish all — but He remains;月明海上化仙禽,忽幻魚龍入水深。世界刹那千萬相,盎然不變是天心。【月化魚:波斯俗以「化魚」喩變遷。】黄克孙先生将历史传说、道教神话乃至佛经用语糅入七言绝句之中,同时也注意保留原诗风味,让人不由得感叹词藻之妙、文思之巧。
第91节:Ah, with the Grapemy fading Life provide,And wash the Bodywhence the Life has died,And lay me,shrouded in the living Leaf,By some notunfrequented Garden-side.一旦魂歸萬事空,勞君傾酒洗萍蹤。遺身願裹葡萄葉,葬在名花怒放中。第92节That ev'n myburied Ashes such a SnareOf Vintage shallfling up into the AirAs not a TrueBeliever passing byBut shall beovertaken unaware.死化寒灰帶酒香,河山千古葬遺觴。他年遊子來憑弔,猶得墳前醉一場。
第22节For some we loved,the loveliest and the bestThat from hisVintage rolling Time hath prest,Have drunk theirCup a Round or two before,And one by onecrept silently to Rest.舊日湖山同醉客,只今寥落已無多。幾杯飮罷魂銷盡,一一生涯酒裏過。第42节And if the Wineyou drink, the Lip you press,End in what Allbegins and ends in — Yes;Think then you areTo-day what YesterdayYou were — To-morrowyou shall not be less.綠酒朱唇空過眼,微塵原自化微塵。今朝我即明朝我,昨日身猶此日身。
90So while the Vessels one by one were speaking,The little Moon look'd in that all were seeking:And then they jogg'd each other, "Brother! Brother!Now for the Porter's shoulder knot a-creaking!"月照千家戶半開,壺尊無語靜塵埃。鞋聲細碎聞窗外,疑是飄零酒客來。这句就非常像在写红鸟重生。【噫可以继续往下诌了】
除了挽风曲,集中也有其他角色的影子,留待道友开发。如第21节:Ah, my Belovéd,fill the Cup that clearsTo-day of pastRegrets and future Fears —To-morrow? — Why,To-morrow I may beMyself withYesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years.爲卿斟酒洗塵緣,莫問明朝事渺然。我便明朝歸去也,相隨昨日七千年。——这个让人莫名想到这周的金光新剧,“李白是条鱼”。北冥清涟,可以的。
第37节For I rememberstopping by the wayTo watch a Potterthumping his wet Clay:And with itsall-obliterated TongueIt murmur'd —"Gently, Brother, gently, pray!"南山采土冶爲甌,土語啾啾說不休:『我亦當年塵上客,勞君雕琢要溫柔。』
第47节When You and Ibehind the Veil are past,Oh, but the long,long while the World shall last,Which of ourComing and Departure heedsAs the Sea's selfshould heed a pebble-cast.一入重幃客渺然,無情天地自緜緜。浮萍幾點隨波去,不改蒼茫海色玄。註:重幃。據波斯傳說,天堂有重幃,上帝高坐其後。
第94节Indeed, indeed, Repentance oft beforeI swore — but was Isober when I swore?And then and then came Spring, and Rose-in-handMy threadbare Penitence a-pieces tore.平生悔恨我何曾,醉裏模糊說不淸。見說人間春又到,尊前莫作懊憹聲。
第95节And much as wine has play'd the Infidel,And robb'd me of my Robe of Honour — well,I often wonder what the Vintners buyOne half so precious as the stuff they sell.酒誤浮名猶愛酒,轉憐賣酒村前叟。賣來不過幾文錢,何物能如酒一斗。
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